Life After NeoGraft® Hair Restoration

Life After NeoGraft Hair Restoration in Louisville, KY

Hair loss affects millions of Americans and leads many to seek hair restoration solutions at our Louisville, KY, location. One of the most powerful and least invasive options is NeoGraft, which is so effective that it earned a 100% review on RealSelf. This advancement in hair follicle grafting prevents scarring and allows for a quicker, more efficient treatment, winning over doctors and patients alike.

Before & After NeoGraft Hair Transplant Case 710 Front View in Louisville & Lexington, KY
Before & After NeoGraft Hair Transplant

For anyone wondering what the treatment process looks like and how your life may change because of it, this blog post will share some insights into life after NeoGraft and explain the positive effects it can have on your hairline and confidence.

How NeoGraft Works

NeoGraft is a computer-assisted follicular unit extraction device powered by pneumatic pressure. A certified technician uses this device to harvest groups of 1 to 5 hairs from the back of your head and transplant them onto thinning or balding areas. This is done while your scalp is numbed with local anesthesia, so you are completely comfortable during the procedure.

NeoGraft is the least invasive hair transplant option available—it avoids removing strips of skin or damaging nerves and blood vessels. Up to 3,500 grafts can be transplanted in a single session. If you require more sessions, they’ll be spaced 6 to 8 months apart.

Noticing the Changes

Both your scalp and your lifestyle may change after NeoGraft. A few of the most notable ways include:

  • Hair growth, slowly but surely. You may be alarmed to find out that the transplanted hair will fall out after a few weeks. The good news is the follicles, or roots, will remain, and new growth will take place over 3 to 6 months. To see examples of the results you can expect, visit our before-and-after photo gallery.
  • People will notice something is different, but they may not know what. You may find people you haven’t seen in a while commenting on how good you look, but they won’t be able to identify the change. Enjoy the positive reactions and only reveal your secret if you want to.
  • You’ll wear hats less often. As your new hair grows in and your hairline becomes thicker over time, you may find yourself forgetting (or intentionally leaving) your hat at home more often. While we always encourage sun protection, this can be a pleasantly surprising aftereffect of a new head of hair.
  • Increased confidence. You may find yourself feeling bolder in social situations and thinking about your hair less often. With this new sense of self, you can focus on developing relationships with those around you and expressing how you feel on the inside—instead of worrying about how you look on the outside.

If you want to learn more about what NeoGraft and other hair restoration options in Louisville, KY, can do for you, please contact us online or call (502) 899-9979 to schedule an initial consultation.

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